Sunday, 14 September 2008

Resign, Albar : This is where we are as a nation

Syed Hamid Albar should resign immediately to salvage the little pride he has left after publicly excreting on the collective intelligence of Malaysians.

This is on the basis of the following acts:
  • A couple of weeks ago, he defended Saiful Bukhari not being charged, even though the criminal act of consensual sodomy has to involve two parties being charged.
  • Yesterday, he defended Tan Hoon Cheng’s arrest under ISA, saying the police had to get information from her.
  • Also yesterday, he defended the non-action taken on Datuk Ahmad Ismail. Confirming that ruling party members receive special treatment, he claimed that Ahmad as a member of UMNO has been sufficiently punished with his three year suspension.
There is a cloud of injustice hanging over our country at the moment. I am glad to know that the ruling coalition is so out of touch with the sentiments of the people that they have muddled their aims. A PAS youth leader came out in public support of Tan Hoon Cheng right after she was arrested. If the aim was for racial unity to break down and a state of emergency declared, the BN are wildly off mark. We are truly a mature nation after 51 years of independence.

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