Saturday 2 June 2007

Who's perfect?

I feel a sort of guilt every day. I feel guilty that I live in relative affluence, in the face of people who live in poverty.

I can't stand it that there are people who can't find a job to pay for food for their children, while I earn around 300% the minimum wage in my comfy part-time desk job in the middle of the city.

I thought I was doing the right thing, not living off my parents, trying to earn the luxuries I crave by working towards them. But it does feel awkward to know that by taking this job, I have probably deprived a person who really needs the money, that is not just for luxuries, of a decent-paying job.

Its difficult to get through everyday life knowing that when I'm having my 3rd meal of the day, a child goes without dinner probably in my neighburhood, definitely somewhere in my country. The country which is one of the world's fastest growing economies. I don't know if I could live my life, at its current standards, in one of the world's least developed economies. I wouldn't have stood the guilt.

I'm thankful for every single thing I have in my life, even the things I sometimes disagree with, feel could be better, my parents,my shoes, my hair, my laptop, my stuff; because I know its more than many, many people have.

The only way I try to starve the guilt is by taking the opportunities that I have.

I believe thats the only way for someone who hasn't experienced true hunger or emptiness in their lives to lessen the feeling of inequality when comparing standards of living.

To take all the opportunities that you have in your life and using them to create new opportunities for people who don't have many is the best thing that you could do with your life.

And I am doing my best to fulfil that ideal. But whos perfect?

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