If you want to show the world that you’re stupid, get straight As in your SPM, and get in the newspaper saying you want a scholarship.
We seem to be living in a world of wants today, with less care for needs. We want everything, when we need nothing. It comes with progress. When you have your first-order needs satisfied, you tend to go higher-order. Read more.
When there is no food on the table, nobody thinks about injustice. When you don’t have a proper roof over your head, you’re not thinking about the constitution.
RM 3000 a month doesn’t give you the right to anything more than the next person. In fact, you’re privileged.
Now, the education system is broken. I can say that having been a product, an input and an observer for most of my conscious life. It’s not all broken, I’ve said before, being a pretty alright product myself and knowing quite a few pretty alright products.
The part that’s broken is the sense of entitlement people seem to have being products. The SPM is a nothing exam. Its nothing. STPM is said to be the 4th hardest in the world, but I’d like to think it is the hardest, the government papers say it’s the 4th hardest to cool people down.
What the system has done is encourage kids to work hard, memorizing (a dirty word, isn’t it), rote-learning, and closing their eyes to everything but money and pride. Machines of a vibrant society? And these are the kids who believe deeply that they are entitled to having their dreams made true for them.
The Public Services Department should concentrate on what they are, the hirers and firers of government servants. Our vibrant society machines believe deeply that they should be rewarded for the irO-level efforts with a bond to public service out of taxpayer’s pockets.
No one is entitled to anything. You work for all that you have. The government gives out 2000 scholarships overseas out of 6000 applicants every year. The Kuok Foundation gives out a few hundred to ethnic Chinese Malaysians every year. Dozens of corporations give out scholarships.
For O-level achievers to hold the government to ransom are symbols of stupidity, and what they have become - machines.
The solution is for the government to be a lot more fair when dealing with these people and everyone going through Malaysian education.
- Raise standards on SPM.
- Be fair in pre-university. Matriculation is a fallacy. STPM should be the standard.
- Put smart people in public universities. We need better people in our local institutions to get them out of the worst universities list.
- Stop giving scholarships to kids out of SPM. Focus on the higher-standard STPM, and focus on post-graduate study.
Get the machines to shut up.